Now on sale at iTunes Store”詩遇上歌”(Poetry Meets Song) ,second album of 程璧(Cheng Bi/チェン・ビー)


詩遇上歌”Poetry Meets Song” / Cheng Bi(チェン・ビー/程璧)

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Original CD package ¥2,000-


北京大学で日本文化を学び、東京と北京を中心に活動するシンガソングライターの程璧(チェン・ビー)によるデビューアルバム「詩遇上歌(Poetry meets song)」 。

谷川俊太郎の「春の臨終」や、中国現代詩人 北島の「一切」、西川の「野鳥」、日本で第60回H氏賞を受賞した中国人詩人(城西国際大学教授)田原の「枯木」を含む全9曲を収録。


我觉得所有艺术形式里,诗与民谣(Folk Music)具有十分相似的特质。在文学领域,诗字数最少, 篇幅简短,却又最具深意。在音乐领域,民谣无论在技巧还是配器上往往追求简单,而它的深 度在于其冷静的哲思性。感谢日本诗人谷川俊太郎,中国诗人北岛,西川和田原,放心把这些 动人的诗作交给我来谱曲歌唱。这张专辑名字《诗遇上歌》,由诗人北岛命名,是珍贵的缘分, 也是注定的相逢。

两年前的夏天,我完成了自己的第一张原创音乐作品集《晴日共剪窗》,那是最初的自己, 青涩而懵懂,感谢依然有那么多人的喜欢。这一次的新作,是真正开始学着去理解和思考音乐, 眼前渐渐清晰的过程,包括内心。


<Introduction of this album “Poetry Meet Song”>

Among all art forms, poems and folk music share some characters. In literature, poems are the shortest but also the deepest. In music, folk music intentionally tries to simplify in skills and instruments, but its depth lies in its calm thoughts. Thanks Shuntaro Tanikawa (Japanese poet), Beidao, Xichuan and Tianyuan(Chinese poets) for leaving their touching poems to my composing and singing. This album is titled Poetry Meets Songs, a precious fate and a destined rendezvous.

In the summer two years ago, I finished my first original music album “Anna’s Patio”. It was my original, innocent and immature, but still it’s loved by many. My sincere thanks to you all. In this new album I begin to really learn how to understand and polish my music, with a process becoming clearer in my eyes, as well as my heart.

My special thanks to the celebrated Japanese super realist painter Mr. Noda Hiroshi, who is in charge of my album cover’s photography. I met Mr. Noda in Tokyo and he took this picture as a reference to paint my portrait. Thank him for giving me this original picture as my album’s cover. I am waiting for his completion of the portrait in his studio located in the beautiful and serene Hokkaido.


Cheng Bi (singer songwriter) learned Japanese culture at Peking University, and now working mainly in Tokyo and Beijing.
“Poetry meets song” is the second album of her.
After the release in China on August 7, 2014, it will be released worldwide . 
“Dying in Spring” of Shuntaro Tanikawa, “absolutely” of contemporary Chinese poet Bei Dao , “Night Birds” of contemporary Chinese poet Xi Chuan , “Withered tree” of Chinese poet Tian Yuan(Josai International University Professor) who won the 60th Mr. H Award in Japan, and recorded all nine songs, including. 
Photo of the jacket shooting by Hiroshi Noda Japanese painter.





北京大学修士課程で日本文化を専攻。同大学卒業後に来日。株式会社日本デザインセンター 原研哉のもとで勤務を経た後に独立。 谷川俊太郎(詩人)、谷川賢作(音楽家)、田原(中国人詩人、城西国際大学 教授)、湯川潮音(ミュージシャン)らとの知遇を得て、シンガーソングライターとしての活動を開始する。

2012年9月:オリジナルの作詞作曲によるファーストアルバム『晴日共剪窓』(Anna’s Patio)をリリース
2014年8月:セカンドアルバム 『詩遇上歌』(Poetry Meets Song)をリリース。谷川俊太郎の「春の臨終」、日本で第60回H氏賞を受賞した中国人詩人・田原の「枯れ木」、中国の現代詩人・北島の「一切」、西川の「野鳥」の作詞を含む全9曲を書き下ろす。(アルバムのタイトル『詩遇上歌』は中国の現代詩人・北島により命名、表紙写真は日本人画家の野田弘志の撮影)

程璧(Cheng Bi)



2012年3月 荣获北京大学十佳歌手
2012年9月 发表由自己作词作曲原创音乐专辑《晴日共剪窗》(Anna’s Patio)
2013年10月 参加中央电视台《寻找刘三姐》节目,并创作节目主题曲《心想唱歌就唱歌》。
2014年8月 发表第二张个人原创音乐专辑《诗遇上歌》(Poetry Meets Song)

Cheng Bi

Born in China Shandong. 
Peking University master’s degree of Japanese culture, after graduation coming to Japan, up through the work at the Nippon Design Center, Inc. Hara Design Institute (office of designer Kenya Hara). 
Began her singer-songwriter career by meeting with “Shuntaro Tanikawa”(a poet), “Kensaku Tanikawa”(musician), “Tian Yuan”(Chinese poet:Professor of Josai International University),”Shione Yukawa”(musician). 

2012 Mar:Won the Excellence Award “Ten Best on campus singer Competition” Peking University. 
2012 Sep:Released first album with lyrics written by the composer of “The cutout in the window on a sunny day”(Anna’s Patio) 
2013 Oct:Was created to participate in “looking for three sisters” CCTV audition program, and ” I thought singing would sing” is adopted in the theme song of the same program 
2014 Aug:Released second album “Poetry Meets Song”. It’s contained Shuntaro Tanikawa “Dying in Spring”, Chinese contemporarylyricist Bei Dao”All”, Xi Chuan”Night Birds”, Tian Yuan”Withered Tree”.The title is named by Bei Dao the contemporary of China, cover photos, shooting Hiroshi Noda Japanese painter.